How to Open a Swimming Pool is about the procedures I use to open the in-ground swimming pool. I did a post and video on how to winterize your pool back in the fall. This process takes you from that point up to the point that your pool is ready to swim in.
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Pool Cover
The first thing to take care of is the pool cover. After sitting all winter, it likely has water, leaves, and debris on it. I remove the debris and some of the water as the winter goes on, but if you didn’t, then go ahead and clean it off. Then use a pump to remove the water.
My system has double water tubes as weights to weight down the cover. I remove each of these, drain the water, and set them out to dry. At this point I can remove the cover and lay it out to dry. After the top dries, I’ll fold it over and let that side dry out, and continue this process until it is small enough to put up.

How To Open A Swimming Pool – Cleaning The Cover
Water Level
In the fall, I emptied water out of the pool. Now it is time to add some water back in, so I simply put a hose in and let it run until the water level is half to three quarters of the way up the skimmer.
My filter is a Diatomaceous Earth (DE) type filter with “fingers” as I’ll call them. Once every so many years I’ll take the top part of this filter in to the pool store and get the “fingers” cleaned in an acid bath. On the off years when I’m not doing the acid bath, I’ll just pull them out and hose them down really good. After they “fingers” are cleaned, put them back into the filter housing, screw them down, and hook the plumbing up with plumber’s tape.

How To Open A Swimming Pool – Filter
More on the Filter
Now remove the pool filter strainer cover and put the strainer basket in. Then make sure the strainer cover gasket is seated properly, fill the strainer basket reservoir with water and replace the strainer cover. This water will prime the pump for you.
Pool Plumbing
The next step is to remove any of the winterization products in the pool plumbing system. For me, this includes freeze plugs that are in the jets, pool skimmer guard, and the skimmer winterization lid.
After all of the winterization plumbing protection is removed, put the pool skimmer basket in place as well as the jet heads in the pool.
Pump On
Turn the pump motor on and look for and repair any leaks. Add the recommended amount of DE for you pool and shock the pool. Also, add the chlorine “Hockey Pucks” into the skimmer basket or dispenser if you have one.
Solar Cover

How to Open a Swimming Pool – Solar Cover
Many people have solar covers to prevent cooling through evaporation and to lock in heat on a sunny day. If you have a solar cover, put that on now. I also put my steps in and screw them down at this point. Some folks remove their diving / jumping boards for the winter. If you are one of these people, hook it back up now.
More Detail
There is more detail and better views of this process in the video below. If there is something you don’t understand, check out the video or leave a message in the comments section.
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The Video
Check out the video below titled How to Open a Swimming Pool.
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