High Tensile and Field Fence Removal and Replacement post is an introduction to a series of other posts that will be put up in the coming weeks. The future posts will cover removal of field fence, removal of high tensile fence and replacing them with new posts and 4-foot field fence. In addition, we will have several product reviews to include fence pliers and two different fence clip tools.

High Tensile and Field Fence Removal and Replacement
The reason for all of this madness multi-faceted. First, we have three dogs that need to be fenced in. About half of the fence that contains the dogs needs to have the posts replaced. Additionally, about half the fence is only 3-feet tall. My dogs haven’t figured out that they could easily jump over a 3-foot high fence, but they can.
The second reason is to have stronger posts to support a vertical extension. I’m planning on adding 4-feet in vertical height for a total of 8-foot in order to keep deer out of the yard. We have an orchard, permaculture gardens and food forest, and a plant nursery. The deer have been causing havoc with everything.
High Tensile and Field Fence Removal and Replacement
The final reason for new fencing is to allow us to expand our operation. We are adding an additional acre and a half to our fenced in area. This area will be used to expand our existing plant nursery operation and to start growing mushrooms. We also plan on putting bee hives in this area in the future and plan on a hügelkultur bed.
All of this will be documented and shared with you in future posts and videos. Please check back and see our follow on posts and videos on this topic.

Here is a link to the YouTube video:
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