This post is a Mortier Pilon Kombucha Brewing Jar Product Review. This jar is designed to do continuous brew of kombucha.
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My Jar

Mortier Pilon Kombucha Brewing Jar Product Review
I received a Mortier Pilon Kombucha Brewing Jar for my birthday this past week and figured I’d do a product review on it. This jar is designed to do continuous brew of kombucha. I have done posts on the past on Kombucha and how to make it. It is merely fermented sweet tea.
The Kit
The kit assumes that you already know how to make kombucha. It does give a high-level overview of the process, but really doesn’t go into a lot of details. This kit comes with a 5-liter jar, a grease pencil for marking the date, and directions that include a few recipes. The 5-liter jar has a special lid that allows the kombucha to breathe, but keeps fruit flies out of your brew.

Mortier Pilon Kombucha Brewing Jar Product Review
Grease Pencil
The grease pencil is intended to write the date on the rim of the jar so you know when you started the brew. I found it difficult to write on this space and broke the grease pencil. We were able to scribble a date on there, but it was barely legible. I’ll probably continue to write down my dates on paper as I have been doing for the last few months.
The Brew
I brewed up several batches of kombucha. Some was done the way that I have been doing it in half gallon jars and another batch in the Mortier Pilon continuous brew system. After 10 days, I tasted kombucha from both systems and they tasted the same.

Continuous Brew
The Mortier Pilon jar allows for continuous brew by allowing me to empty 2/3 of the brew out and then adding 2/3 sweet tea back into the continuous brew system. It allows me to cut a few corners, but I only end up saving about two minutes per brew when used per their directions.
Modified Directions
The way I would probably do continuous brew would be to take about 1/3 to ½ of the brew out every three to five days or so. Then I could have a continuous supply of brew at the rate I’m drinking it. This would make much more sense to me.

Kombucha Brewing
Product Thoughts
The Mortier Pilon Kombucha Brewing Jar Product is pretty and I can understand someone wanting to use this if they are going to be brewing out in the open. Personally, it is a bit expensive, selling for $60 on Amazon. Brewing in the ½ gallon jars works fine for me because they are hidden off in the basement.
The continuous brew is a neat concept if you are not doing a second ferment like I do. I like the carbonation and flavor and it is just easier for me to do a case at a time instead of every couple of days.
But that is me. There are others out there that add kombucha to smoothies or drink it right from the first ferment. If that is you, this is a great product that looks nice and is functional (except for the grease pencil).
Go or No Go
I’d have to say it depends on your situation, as described above. If I was drinking from a first ferment on a daily basis, I would absolutely buy this product again.
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The Video
Check out the video below titled Mortier Pilon Kombucha Brewing Jar Product Review.
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