This post is a Mid-Atlantic Permaculture Convergence Review. This training and networking event was held in Charles Town, WV and was hosted by the Riverside Project and the Permaculture Podcast. They had two or three different events going on in different places where you could take tours, train and listen to lectures or other activities.

Mid-Atlantic Permaculture Convergence Review – Plant Walk
When I first arrived and parked, I walked up to the main area where registration was. I registered and grabbed some pamphlets on miscellaneous items going on as well as a schedule of the day’s activities. They even had a complimentary copy of Permaculture Design Magazine.
The Sponsors
They had three sponsors there that had tables and booths set up. I stopped by the Goddard College booth and chatted with the lady there and grabbed some information. They have permaculture courses including a PDC. I then went over to a booth that was selling plants and books. They guy running the booth was Michael Judd, the Author of the book Edible Landscaping. So I bought the book and a couple of Paw Paw trees. I spent quite a while talking with Michael, as he is a very interesting and easy person to talk with. I then moseyed on over to the last booth where there was a guy selling a DVD called Gathering Edible Wild Plants. So I chatted with him for a few minutes and then bought the DVD.
The Training

Mid-Atlantic Permaculture Convergence Review – Michael Judd
The actual training and events consisted of the following:
Opening Remarks by Joel Glanzberg
Introduction to Fermentation by Diane Blus
Children & Permaculture by Jen Mendez
Keynote by Michael Judd
Animals in Permaculture by Nicole Luttrell
Living in the Gift by Seppi Garrett
Broad Acre Agriculture for Permaculture Practitioner with Ethan Strickler
Environmental Activism in Disempowered Communities by Ben Weiss
Event Q&A recorded for a Podcast by Scott Mann
There were also two outdoor events that included a plant walk by Nathan Carlos Ripley and a Tree ID walk by Shawn Walker.
More Details

Mid-Atlantic Permaculture Convergence Review – Scott Mann
As they had multiple events running at one time, I only attended a little over a third of the events that were going on. They videotaped the talks and will post them for us to see at a later date, so I can’t wait to see those.
At lunch time they had a pot luck lunch buffet. The food was great and there was plenty of it. Some people made special dishes, and others did like I did and just bought something at the store to bring along.
My Thoughts
The events and plant walks were great and informative. I’d say the best part of the whole event was meeting like-minded people who live relatively close by and networking with them. All indications are that they will do this event on an annual basis. If they do, I guarantee I’ll be going.
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Find More Events Like This
The key note speaker from this event is holding a Paw-Paw Festival in September, and that event is also listed on the Chesapeake Permaculture Institute Meetup group web page.
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