This video shows our Unusual Edible Plants to Grow in Full Bloom. We take a walk through the urban homestead and look at all of the unusual edible plants that are integrated into the landscape that are currently blooming.
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Here’s What I’m Doing
I have walked around the Pasadena MD homestead with a video camera several times in the past, but today I’m doing it and highlighting the plants that are in full bloom. The reason I’m doing this is that many people eat the fruits, but have no idea what the plants or blooms look like.
Some Fruiting Bushes
The plants shown in the video below include blueberries, Sweet Scarlet Goumi, gooseberry, and nanking cherry. The nanking cherry was in full bloom when we had an ice storm a few weeks ago, but there are several little fruits that did make it.

Unusual Edible Plants to Grow in Full Bloom – Goumi
The Pear Tree
I have a multi-variety pear tree that has several blooms on the different limbs. The multi-variety is done so they flower at the same time and can cross pollinate with just one tree.
The Peach Tree
The peach trees and nectarine trees had quite a few buds on them when the ice storm hit, but some of the fruit seems to have made it.
The Dogwoods
I have a cornelian cherry that is flowering for this first time. The Kousa dogwood is not flowering yet. The honeyberry bushes are about the first plants to flower out and ice and snow do not seem to bother it in the least.

Unusual Edible Plants to Grow in Full Bloom – Honey Berry
Sour Cherry
The sour cherry tree is loaded with blooms. I have two apple trees that have never bloomed out before, but they are both flowering out this year.
I have two figs that are just starting to bud out right now. Usually the figs die back to the ground, but this year they are budding out right from where they finished last year.
Bush Cherry
I have a Korean bush cherry that still has some flowers on it, but I don’t know if it is going to produce fruit or not. The information I have found on this plant states that it is somewhat self-fertile, but so far, I have found that to not be the case. I’ll keep an eye on it and see, but I think I may need to get another one to cross pollinate.
Nitrogen Fixing
I have a couple of autumn olive plants right next to some of my fruit trees. They were put there to act as nitrogen fixers for the fruit trees. You have to trim the plants to get them to release nitrogen into the ground for the fruit trees. You have to be careful with these plants as they can be invasive when the birds eat the seeds and deposit them in surrounding areas.
Just in front of the autumn olive is a quince that has a half dozen blooms.
Unusual Edible Plants to Grow in Full Bloom – Quince
Not Blooming Yet
We also take a look at some comfrey, rosa Ragusa, raspberry, and red currant plant. Then we wander by some figs, elderberries, and sea berries. None of these plants are flowering out yet.
The last plant that we look at is the Viking Aronia, which has hundreds of blooms. It is a very attractive plant and has survived well with me constantly taking cuttings for propagations.
Lovely Time of Year
This is a beautiful time of year and it looks like it is going to be a bountiful year.
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The Video
Check out the video below titled Unusual Edible Plants to Grow in Full Bloom
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