This is a Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 3 – Inside Projects. Part 3 is the last in this series and focuses on the inside projects. Part 1 and 2 were posted previously and shows outside project as well as a stroll through the yard explaining the various plants in the yard.
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The first project we come to are the two inside mushroom patches. I have shiitake and a wine cap mushroom kits growing in the dining room. Yeah, the wife just loves that 🙂 I have harvested mushrooms from the shiitake kit, but none from the wine cap kit yet. I’m on the second go around with the kits right now. For the shiitake, I let it dry out for two weeks and then soaked it in water for five hours. Now I’m just keeping both kits under the humidity tent waiting for more mushrooms.
Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 3 – Inside Projects – Mushrooms
Next Project
Kitchen cabinets are the next project. We have removed the cabinet faces and will be painting the cabinet faces. We are going from a cream color to a grey color on the cabinets and replacing the kitchen floor with something more modern. Again, this is all in preparation for the big move out to the farm homestead in WV.
Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 3 – Inside Projects – Cabinets
At the moment, a piece of the wall is torn out to expose the main water shutoff for the outside hose systems. This needs to be covered and I’m going to make a permanent door to access the valves. They will be kind of like a picture frame in the wall that is hinged so you can just open the frame part, giving you access to the valves.
Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 3 – Inside Projects – Water Cutoff
There are quite a few projects in the basement besides the wall project that we just talked about. The continuous brew kombucha tea is down there as well. Everything with the kombucha is kind of on hold at the moment. I have a full case in the refrigerator and the system has sat too long to be immediately usable. It would be very vinegary as is, so I would have to drain three quarters off and start over on the continuous brew system. I also have a hotel set up with a half dozen extra SCOBY. If anyone lives close to MD and is looking to start kombucha, shoot me an email and you can have one of the SCOBY to get your system started.
Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 3 – Inside Projects – Kombucha
Early Planting
The furnace room is where I do my inside growing of plants. Here I will start the annuals and some perennials and grow them under a grow light on a timer and get a jump start on the growing season.
Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 3 – Inside Projects – Indoor Plants
The red wiggler worm bin is in the furnace room on the floor. The worms have been doing fine. I have stopped over feeding them and keep lots of “browns” on top of them, which has cut down on the fruit fly problems.
Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 3 – Inside Projects – Red Wigglers
Out to the Garage
Our next stop on the inside tour is garage. I have had my rooted cuttings that are in pots located in the garage to protect them from single digit temperatures. The long-range forecast doesn’t show any single digit temperatures in the near future and I need the garage space for other projects, so I’m moving the plants back outside, hopefully for the duration of the winter.
Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 3 – Inside Projects – Garage
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The Video
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