This is a Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 2. I took the video and it was quite long so I had to break it up into three parts. Part 1 and 2 are a walk around the outside of the homestead and taking a look at the plants in the winter time. Part 3 is a look at some of the inside projects going on or that will be going on.
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In Part 2 we walk through the pool area. The first tree in this area is the Mountain Ash Dwarf Shipovia. I put this tree in three years ago and it really hasn’t done anything. So, this is one that I’m going to dig up and move out to the WV farm. Maybe it will like the clay soil out there better than my sandy soil in Maryland.
Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 2 Sipovia
Then we stroll past a pink lemonade blueberry plant and a sour cherry tree on our way over to an apple tree. This apple tree has never flowered. Part of this is because I have not trimmed it and also because all of the branches are vertical. I need to bend some down so they are horizontal and that would likely fix the flowering issue. Apple trees seem to prefer flowering on horizontal branches.
Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 2 Apple Tree
Next up is a fig tree. It had lots of buds last year, but we had a late freeze in April last year and all of the branches died back to the ground. So far this year we have had a mild winter and it is looking good that it may not die back to the ground this year.
Just a few feet away are the hardy bananas. I did a video on these in the fall that showed how I winterized the bananas. Behind the bananas we have an apple tree that did produce last year.
Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 2 Hardy Banana
On the other side of the walkway is a Korean bush cherry. It had a lot of flowers last year, but did not fruit. Hopefully I’ll have a lot of fruit this year.
In front of the Korean Bush cherry is a cherry tree. It is kind of like a Rainier cherry, but it has a different name. Under this tree I planted an autumn olive to fix nitrogen and three comfrey plants to mine nutrients up to the surface for the cherry tree to use.
Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 2 Cherry Tree
In front of the cherry tree is a quince bush that flowered last year. It may have had a fruit on it, but either the dogs or squirrels got to it before me.
Back against the fence is a rose bush called Rosa ragusa. This type of rose bush grows very large rose hips that you can eat and make teas out of.
Then we have a red currant, four elderberries, another fig and some maypop. In a pot, I have an amber raspberry bush. Because it is in a pot, it is portable and will be going to WV with me.
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The Video
Check out the video below titled Sustainable Homesteading in Maryland Part 2 – Pool Area
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