Murphys Thornless Blackberry is a edible vining cane fruit. Tipped Murphys Thornless Blackberry for Sale at Great Escape Nursery. A tipped plant is one that roots itself where a tip touches the ground.
Murphys Thornless Blackberry for Sale

Murphys Thornless Blackberry Plant Information
The name, Murphys thornless blackberry, comes from my fruit eating dog. He absolutely loves eating fruit around the yard. The first blackberries we have that ripen are the thorned variety. Murphy goes after the blackberries, but quickly learns that his apatite for fresh fruit is not worth dealing with the thorns. But in mid summer when the thornless blackberries ripen, our little Murphy is in heaven. He runs from plant to plant eating any blackberry he can pull off, so we named this cultivar “Murphy’s Thornless Blackberry”.

Blackberry (Rubus)
Blackberries have a perennial root system and biennial canes. In the first year a new cane called a primocane grows vigorously, up to 25-feet long (mine only grow to about 10ft). Blackberries have large fan-like palmately compound leaves with 5 or 7 leaflets. In the second year the cane is known as a floricane. The floricane do not grow longer but do grow lateral shoots with flowers and have 3 to 5 leaflets. Many blackberries have thorns, but the cultivar offered here has no thorns and is referred to as thornless.
The flowers appear in late spring and early summer on the lateral shoots. Each flower has 5 petals that are white (in some cases a pale pink). The fruit is usually green when immature and turn slightly red as they approach maturity. Unless you like really bitter fruit, you don’t want to pick them until they have turned black. Another way to tell ripeness is the ripe fruit will readily give way with a simple pull. Unripe fruit requires a harder tug.
Plant Specifications

Blackberries tolerate poor soil, prefer acidic to slightly basic (6.0-7.0), well-drained, and organic soil. They are hardy in USDA hardiness zones 4-9 and require 400 to 500 chill hours.
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