How to Build an awesome Plant Potting Table documents a plant potting table I built. We will show you pictures and video as well as explain how to build one of these gems that will save your back. There is an embedded YouTube video at the bottom of this article that shows the fabrication of this table.
But Why?

Plant Potting Table Complete
So why would one want to build a plant potting table? I’m not one for fancy equipment or specialized gadgets. But this little table will be saving my back for years to come.
All summer when digging up rooted plants to pot them, I have been bending over to get them out of the ground. Then I remain bent over and soak the plant in water. Then I remove the plant from water and put it in a pot with soil, all while still bent over. This process wears on the back when you are doing it for several hours.
The Parts List
Plant Potting Table Parts
The parts list includes two plastic totes from Sysco. I believe these totes are usually used for busing tables at restaurants. Two pressure treated 4×4 posts that are six feet long. Five pressure treated 2x4s that are eight feet long. 3/4″ plywood, 1-1/2″ deck screws, 3″ deck screws, and 3-1/2″ deck screws.
Putting it Together
The first thing I did was cut the 4x4s that were six-feet in half, giving me a total of four three foot sections. These will be used as the legs of the table. Then I cut the long 2x4s that will be the front and back. Next I cut the cross beams that will connect to the front and back. At this point I started screwing them together. See the picture below for what this state looks like.
The totes have a lip going all the way around. This lip will be used to sit on top of the table to hold some of the weight. The totes also have ribs on them that will be used to hold some of the weight. The ribs will sit on the 2×4 and the lip will sit on 3/4″ plywood. I used a jigsaw to notch the 3/4″ plywood to accommodate the ribs.
To hold the weight the totes will need support on the underside. I just ran 2x4s longways on the inside of the 4x4s. See the picture below for an example.
Plant Potting Table Support Beams
Next you will need to put 3/4″ plywood on the top. Make sure you account for the ribs on the totes. I notched the plywood on the sides. In the front and back, I left a good bit of space where the handles of the totes are so you can easily remove the totes.
And the finished product looks like the two photos below.
Check out the YouTube video below for a better view of this project.
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The Video:
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