Great Escape Farms

Companion Planting – The Information You Need

Native American Farmers

Native American Farmers

This blog post on companion planting is more of a guide for future planting than a “good read”.  It is intended as a tool for you to used when planting next spring.  Below we cover companion plants, plants that do well together, and incompatibles, plants that do not like each other and do not do well together.

Companion Planting – The Information You Need

Companion planting is the placing of plants in close proximity to one another so that one plant can offer a benefit to the other.  This could be as basic as attracting beneficial insects that predate on pests to the other plant or as complex as a plant that releases exudates from the roots and attract beneficial bacteria for the other plant.  There are also plants that we call dynamic accumulators because they mine deep down in the soil with a long tap root and bring nutrients and minerals up to the surface for plants that can’t get those nutrients themselves.

There are also plants that do not grow well together.  Those are listed below as incompatible.  Some of them produce substances that stunt the growth of the other plant or they may attract insects that will destroy the other plants.  It is recommended that you do not plant incompatible plants near one another.

The list below is colored with companion planting as green and incompatible as red to make it easier to read through the list.

The List:

Asparagus (companions): Tomato, Parsley, Basil, aster family, dill, coriander, carrots, comfrey, and marigolds

Asparagus (incompatible): Onions, garlic, potatoes

Basil (companions): tomatoes, peppers, oregano, asparagus, petunias

Basil (incompatible): Rue, sage

Beans (companions): Most vegetables and herbs

Beans (incompatible): Onion, garlic, gladiolus

Beans, Bush (companions): Irish potato, cucumber, corn, strawberry, celery, summer savory)

Beans, Bush (incompatible): Onion

Beans, Pole (companions): Corn, summer savory, radish

Beans, Pole (incompatible): Onion, beets, kohlrabi, sunflower

Beets (companions): Cabbage and onion families, lettuce

Beets (incompatible): pole beans

Borage (companions): tomatoes, squash, strawberries, cabbage, strawberries

Broccoli (companions): Basil, bush beans, cucumber, dill, garlic, hyssop, lettuce, marigold, mint, nasturtium, onion, potato, radish, rosemary, sage, thyme, tomato, celery, beets

Broccoli (incompatible): Grapes, strawberries, mustard, rue

Cabbage Family (companions): Aromatic herbs, celery, beets, onion family, chamomile, spinach, chard

Cabbage Family (incompatible): Dill, strawberries, pole beans, tomato, peppers, eggplants, rue, grapes, lettuce

Caraway (companions): Strawberries

Caraway (incompatible): Dill, fennel

Carrots (companions): English pea, lettuce, rosemary, onion family, sage, tomato

Carrots (incompatible): Dill, parsnips

Celery (companions): Onion and cabbage families, tomato, bush beans, nasturtium, leek, spinach, cosmos, daisies, snapdragons

Celery (incompatible): Corn, Irish potato, aster.

Corn (companions): Irish potato, beans, English pea, pumpkin, cucumber, squash, amaranth, melons, parsley, peanuts, soybean, sunflower

Corn (incompatible): Tomato, celery

Cucumber (companions): Beans, corn, English pea, sunflowers, radish, beets, carrots, dill, nasturtium.

Cucumber (incompatible): Irish potato, Aromatic herbs, sage, rue

Dill (companions): cabbage, lettuce, onions, corn, cucumber

Dill (incompatible): carrots, caraway, lavender, tomatoes

Eggplant (companions): Beans, Marigold, amaranth, peas, spinach, tarragon, thyme, peppers

Fennel (companions): Dill

Fennel (Incompatible): most other garden plants

Garlic (companions): Roses, apple trees, Pear trees, cucumber, peas, lettuce, celery

Grapes (companions): Grapes, basil, beans, geraniums, oregano, cover, peas, blackberries, clover, chives

Grapes (incompatible): radishes, cabbage

Horseradish (companions): potato

Lettuce (companions): Carrot, radish, strawberry, cucumber, beet, broccoli, pole bean, onion, sunflower, dill

Lettuce (incompatible): cabbage

Melons (companion): Corn, pumpkin, radish, squash, marigolds, nasturtium, oregano

Mint (companion): Cabbage, tomatoes

Nasturtiums (companions): Radishes, cabbage, squash, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, under fruit trees,

Okra (companions): Lettuce, peppers, eggplant, basil, cucumber, melon, black eyed pea

Onion Family (companions): Beets, carrot, lettuce, cabbage family, summer savory, leek, kohlrabi, strawberry, dill, tomato

Onion Family (Incompatible): Beans, English peas, asparagus

Oregano (companions): Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, grapes

Parsley (companions): Tomato, Asparagus, carrot, chives, onions, roses

Parsley (incompatible): mint

Parsnips (companions): bush bean, garlic, marigolds, onion, pea, pepper, potato, radish.

Peach Tree (companions): Grape, garlic, onion, asparagus

Peach Tree (incompatible): Potato, tomato, raspberry

Pea, English (companions): Carrots, radish, turnip, cucumber, corn, beans, celery, chicory, eggplant, parsley, spinach, strawberry, sweet pepper, tomatoes

Pea, English (incompatible): Onion family, gladiolus, Irish potato, chives, grapes

Pepper, Sweet (companions): Tomatoes, parsley, basil, geraniums, marjoram, lovage, petunia, carrots

Pepper, Hot (companions): tomato, okra, cucumbers, eggplant, escarole, Swiss chard, squash, basil oregano, parsley, rosemary

Peppers (incompatible): beans, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, fennel

Potato, Irish (companions): Beans, corn cabbage family, marigolds, horseradish, carrot, celery, flax, petunia, onion

Potato, Irish (incompatible): Pumpkin, squash, tomato, cucumber, sunflower, asparagus, sun flower, turnip, fennel

Pumpkins (companion): Corn, Marigold, melon, squash, nasturtium, oregano, dill

Pumpkins (incompatible): Irish Potato

Radish (companion): English Pea, Nasturtium, Lettuce, cucumber, beet, beans, carrot, chervil, melons, parsnips, spinach

Radish (incompatible): Hyssop, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, turnips

Rosemary: (companions): cabbage, beans, carrots, sage

Sage (companions): broccoli, cauliflower, rosemary, cabbage, carrots

Sage (incompatible): cucumber, onion, rue

Spinach (companion): Strawberry, faba bean, pea, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, onions

Squash (companions): Nasturtium, corn, marigold, beans cucumbers, melon, mint, onions, pumpkins, borage, marigolds, oregano, dill

Squash (incompatible): Irish Potato

Strawberry (companions): beans, borage, lettuce, onions, spinach, thyme

Strawberry (incompatible): Cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi

Sunflower (companions): Corn

Sweet Potatoes (companions): Dill, thyme, oregano, summer savory, beets, parsnips, salsify, bush beans, potatoes, alyssum

Thyme (companions): Eggplants, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes

Tomato (companions): Onion family, Nasturtium, Marigold, Asparagus, carrot, parsley, cucumber, basil, bean, celery, chive, garlic, mint, parsley, pea, pepper, bee balm, borage

Tomato (incompatible): Irish potato, fennel, cabbage family, corn, apricot, fennel, cauliflower, dill, walnut trees

Turnip (companions): English pea, cabbage

Turnip (incompatible): Irish potato, radish, turnips, delphinium, larkspur, mustard

Watermelon (companions): corn, nasturtiums, peas, sunflowers, squash, cucumber, pumpkin, radish, oregano

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