Today I do a A Walk in the Garden Pasadena Homestead. This post describes many of the edible plants and provides information on when I harvest the plants. I have done this walk during different seasons in the past and this walk takes the same path as in the past. This is one post that you would get a lot more out of by watching the video below.
I show you high bush blueberry, goumi berry, and gooseberry. Gooseberry can be a carrier of white pine blister and is not allowed to be planted at my farm in WV.
A Walk in the Garden Pasadena Homestead
I show nanking cherry, and a pear tree that has two pears growing on it. I had peaches and nectarines early in the year, but the squirrels and other critters and a little bit of rot got the fruit before I did.
My Illinois everbearing mulberry produced from July 4th up until the end of August. I got about four or five fruits every day. It was awesome! I also trimmed the tree back this year and took a lot of cuttings from the tree. Hopefully they take.
Edible Dogwood
I have a cornus mas dogwood, which will produce a sweet fruit. Actually all dogwoods produce edible fruits, but the common ornamental white and pink dogwoods have fruit that is very astringent and people usually don’t mess with them. I also have a Kousa dogwood that is producing this year. You can make jams and jelly with the fruit from this tree.
Around the Hougal Mound
I have hibiscus and rose of Sharon in the yard, both of which produce edible flowers. I have a pomegranate that has yet to fruit, lavender, more blue berry, honey berry and much more. The honey berry was the first fruit that was ready to harvest this year. I got my first harvest in the end of April. We have some figs in the yard, but only get a few fruit from them. There is a goji berry that is not doing as good as it has in the past.
A Walk in the Garden Pasadena Homestead
Quick Rundown on Plants
We have comfrey and cana plants. The cana roots can be cooked and eaten like mashed potatoes. I have hardy bananas that make for good mulch. My hardy banana are fourteen feet. I have 3 apple trees with only one that fruits. I do have a Korean bush cherry in this area. It flowered this year but did not fruit.
The Guild
I have a couple of autumn olives that are planted near the fruit trees that I use for nitrogen fixers. I have four O’clock flowers near my cherry tree that I use to kill off Japanese beetles. It is part of my plant guild around the cherry tree.
Vitamin C
I have a rosa Ragusa for the hips. The rose hips are very high in vitamin C. I do have a red currant that I got a couple of hands full of fruit this year. I also have four types of elderberries and just harvested about 20 lbs of elderberry and still have about 30 pounds or more to go.
There is heritage raspberry which is an everbearing type raspberry. They give me raspberries in June and then again from mid-August until frost. There is also a maypop growing into the elderberries and the blackberries. We have both male and female seaberry, but have not harvested any of the yet.
I just harvested aronia this week and posted a video on it last week. We also posted a video on propagating aronia earlier in the month.
Plant Propagation
The video provides a quick overview of the plant propagation mist irrigation system. We have a very high success rate this year. We only have about half of the plants from last year that will be offered on Craig’s list soon.
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There are many other plants that I show you in the video below.
The Video
Check out the Garden Walk Through Pasadena Homestead video below.
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